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Fox Tailoring

20% off or

30% off if you spend £700 or more

About Fox Tailoring

Do you have problems with fit and style?

Do you wonder why certain colours don’t complement you?

Do you feel awkward talking to someone about your image or feel that what you are wearing is not comfortable?

Do you feel that what you wear is not suitable for your lifestyle or your business environment?

Do you want to look amazing?

If any of these common tailoring problems affect you then a consultation with John Parrett and Fox Tailoring is the perfect solution.

Royal Exeter Hotel, Exeter Rd, Bournemouth, BH2 5AG
01202 203050

Terms and Conditions

Roast Dinner offer will not be available until September 2019. Your e-card must be presented/made known to staff before ordering. Permits one person per e-card unless stated otherwise. Only the cardholder is permitted to use the e-card. Not to be used in conjunction with other offers.

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Join today and start saving with offers you can use every day of the week – From MOTS to half price Pizza and everything in between. A-List is the south’s Biggest Lifestyle Discount Card.

1812 Lounge Bar & Restaurant

Royal Exeter Hotel, Exeter Rd, Bournemouth, BH2 5AG


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